89 Sindipeças’ Yearbook Anuário do Sindipeças 2024 ACMA – Automotive Component Manufactures Association of India (Índia / India) Tel. 91 11 2616 0315 | acma@acma.in | www.acmainfo.com AFAC – Asociación de Fabricas Argentinas de Componentes (Argentina / Argentina) Tel. 54 11 4375 0516 | afac@afac.org.ar | www.afac.org.ar AFIA – Associação de Fabricantes para a Indústria Automóvel (Portugal / Portugal) Tel. 351 226 172 668 | info@afia.pt | www.afia.pt ANFIA – Associazione Nazionale Fra Industrie Automobilistiche (Itália / Italy) Tel. 39 011 55 46 511 | anfia@anfia.it | www.anfia.it APMA – Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association Canadá / Canada) Tel. 416 620 4220 | info@apma.ca | www.apma.ca CAREP – Cámara Chilena de Comercio de Repuestos y Accesorios Automotrices (Chile / Chile) Tel. 56 2 2480 5910 | info@carep.cl | www.carep.cl CLEPA – European Association of Automotive Suppliers (Bélgica / Belgium) Tel. 32 2 743 91 30 | info@clepa.be | www.clepa.eu Detroit Regional Chamber (Estados Unidos / USA) Tel. 313 964 4000 | members@detroitchamber.com www.detroitchamber.com FIEV – Fédération des Industries des Equipements pour Vehicules (França / France) Tel. 01 46 25 02 30 | po.lemoine@fiev.fr | www.fiev.fr IDA – Industrial Development Authority (Egito / Egypt) Tel. 26130251 – 26130252 | ida@mfti.gov.eg www.ida.gov.eg INA – Industria Nacional de Autopartes, A.C. (México / Mexico) Tel. 52 55 5682 5862 | ina@ina.com.mx | www.ina.com.mx JAPIA – Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (Japão / Japan) Tel. 03 3445 4211 | info@japia.or.jp | www.japia.or.jp MAJOSZ – Association of the Hungarian Vehicle Component Manufacturers (Hungria / Hungary) Tel. 36 1 203 8144 | majosz@mail.datanet.hu | www.majosz.hu MEMA – Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (Estados Unidos / USA) Tel. 919 549 4800 | info@mema.org | www.mema.org OESA – Original Equipment Suppliers Association (Estados Unidos / USA) Tel: 248 952 6401 | info@oesa.org | www.oesa.org SAS – Scandinavian Automotive Suppliers (Suécia / Sweden) Tel. 46 0 31 711 89 01 | info@fkg.se | www.fkg.se SERNAUTO – Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes para Automoción (Espanha / Spain) Tel. 34 91 562 10 41 | sernauto@sernauto.es | www.sernauto.es TAYSAD – Association of Automotive Parts & Components Manufacturers (Turquia / Turkey) Tel. 90 262 658 98 18 | info@taysad.org.tr | www.taysad.org.tr VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie E.V. (Alemanha / Germany) Tel. 49 30 897842 0 | info@vda.de | www.vda.de Entidades congêneres com as quais o Sindipeças mantém acordo de cooperação Cooperation agreement between Sindipeças and partner entities