Anuário do Sindipeças 2024

From the President The mobility industry – one of the most complicated and sophisticated industries of the processing industry – is going through fast and unparalleled changes compared to the past hundred years. In times of climate emergency and challenges of digitalization, which requires the incorporation of artificial intelligence in the production routine, the focus is shifting towards pursuing sustainable and innovative solutions. In the mobility sector, these challenges include reconciling decarbonization – by different technological routes, including our ethanol –, connectivity, and advanced manufacturing. I believe that a promising road is being paved in Brazil. The investment announcements made by automakers, expected to reach around R$130 billion by 2030, plus the contributions made by the auto parts industry, will have the power to boost the Brazilian automotive chain to another level in terms of innovation and sustainability. Moreover, we acknowledge that the variety of our clean energy sources is an outstanding advantage. With appropriate public policies to make the most of this potential, the Brazilian industry can play a leading role in the world. Besides – and without conflict – we may become an important hub manufacturer and exporter of combustion engines and parts that, as announced, will not be produced in the United States and European Union, but will have extended life in countries with average income lower than developed countries. Regarding this, Sindipeças has a permanent presence in the public policies debates that consider Brazil’s comparative advantages. The former Rota 2030 is a good example of the relevant industrial policy, which played a key role in stimulating innovation investments, mainly in the auto parts sector. In the same way that we worked hard in the development of Rota 2030, we developed its successor program: the Mover, Mobilidade Verde e Inovação (Green Mobility and Innovation). We are also monitoring the tax reform closely, the New Industrial Policy of Brazil (NIB), the changes and improvements of the Renovar program, and other subjects. Our path to the future is laid out. With macroeconomic conditions secured and the outlined industrial policies implemented, I think we will have the opportunity to put the Brazilian automotive industry among the relevant automotive industries of the global setting. Cláudio Sahad President of Sindipeças Inovation and sustainability: the investments are available