139 2022 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook É intenção desta nova diretoria prosseguir, manter e mesmo intensificar o bom relacionamento que sempre tivemos com as entidades que representam os diversos segmentos da cadeia automotiva. Essa sempre foi uma política da nossa entidade e isso, naturalmente, inclui a ABLA, entidade com quemmantemos boa aproximação e comunhão de interesses, há muitos anos. Outro ponto importante que visa aumentar nossa visibilidade e força, nacionalmente, auxiliando paralelamente também as Associações Regionais, é o de estreitar ainda mais os contatos com a CNC (Confederação Nacional do Comércio) e Sebrae, buscando iniciativas de parcerias e incentivos que nos apoiem em nossos projetos de expansão, associativismo e fortalecimento. Buscaremos, também, o apoio na iniciativa privada em projetos e ações para o segmento. Estamos iniciando a fase de planejamento das ações para este ano, que deverão ser apresentadas às nossas Associações Regionais priorizando, a propósito, o maior envolvimento com entidades coirmãs e representativas do nosso setor. © Duvulgação FENAUTO Cautious optimism As we look at the economic analysis of the sector, we expect the supply of components for new cars to gradually return to normal in the second half of 2022. Last year saw growth of 3.5% on 2019, before the pandemic. It was a good result, with more than 15 million vehicles sold. However, compared with 2020, with all the restrictions suffered, such as the closing of the economy, social distancing, and economic uncertainty, growth was 17.8%, which is clear evidence of the resilience of our segment. The lack of new vehicles caused demand to shift used vehicles. This pushed up prices, but normality is returning as new car production increases. We believe that the market will be balanced in the second half of this year. For 2022, in addition to the return to normality in new vehicles production, we expect the market to return to normal as mass vaccination continues to contain the new wave of Covid-19 that has compromised the automotive sector. Another point to note this year is the Presidential election, which invariably causes turbulence in the economy. For these reasons, we are cautiously optimistic about the results in 2022. The new board will maintain and step up the good relationship we have always had with entities that represent the various segments of the automotive chain. This has always been our policy and this, of course, includes ABLA, an entity with which we have maintained a close relationship and good communions for many years. Another important point to increase our visibility and strength, nationally, assisting the Regional Associations, is to further strengthen contact with the National Trade Confederation (CNC) and Sebrae, seeking initiatives and incentives that support us in our expansion, and strengthen projects. We will also seek support from private initiative in projects and actions for the segment. We are starting the planning phase for this year, which should be presented to our Regional Associations, prioritizing greater involvement with representative entities of our sector. Enilson Sales Presidente da FENAUTO / President of Fenauto Whatever happens, prioritizing relationships with representative entities is the goal to strengthen the automotive chain