Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2021

20 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook 2021 Leasing and rental companies in the midst of the pandemic W hat are the main repercussions of the pandemic on car leasing and rental in Brazil, taking into account that our country is of continental dimensions and has different characteristics in each region? From the initial impact to recovery, the signals emitted for the activity indicate a positive balance sheet, at least when compared with the initial scare caused by the shutdown in April and May last year. “Even in the midst of so many problems, we ended the year with strong demand,” says Célio Fonseca, regional director of ABLA in Roraima. “Themunicipal elections and the gradual reopening of the economy helped keep on staff and business in our region.” According to Rogéria Vianna de Alencar, director of ABLA in Bahia, the pandemic has caused concern about the high price of vehicles and the lack of forecasts on the delivery of cars that have been purchased. Even so, the green light went on in the second half of last year,” when app drivers and private individuals lined up in the race for car leasing and rental,” says Rogéria. In Rondônia and Acre, director Miguel Alves Ferreira Júnior says the reaction did not take long. “But at the height of the crisis most of our region’s leasing and rental companies announced early holidays, some staff reductions and they took up the federal NEGÓCIOS | BUSINESS © lyudinka | AdobeStock ®