Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2019

121 2019 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook Living together T he outlook for harmonious coexistence between transport interests and the new modes of transport, including vehicle sharing, are analyzed by Luiz Carlos Néspoli, head of the National Public Transport Association (ANTP). Néspoli says that, from the point of view of urban mobility, individual passenger transport is useful for specific situations. “There are demands for which individual transport by car is the best - such as shopping, transporting patients, trips and lots of stops on the same day,” he explains. The head of the ANTP says sharing, which includes rental by professionals working with transport apps, has the merit of reducing the need for parking spaces on public roads - “Although it does not reduce the volume of traffic in urban centers,” he says. Néspoli recognizes that there are situations in which cars are important - “Essentially to serve more detailed demands.” This is because public transport has limited scope in most of Brazil. As a general rule, the distances between households and bus stops or subway stations are still too far. For these last mile and first mile trips there is plenty of room for growth in auxiliary transport modes. “However, large-scale mobility requires even more investment in public transport, such as subways and buses,” explains Néspoli. From the point of view of energy and environmental consequences, the mobility solutions supported by the head of the ANTP should start with collective and clean modes of transportation, including bicycles. There are, however, important obstacles to be overcome in the search for universal transport solutions. Public transport faces financial hurdles, especially in the face of a drastic reduction in passenger volume over the last 20 years. The situation is complex, requires in-depth analysis and can be helped by the rental sector in search of the best urban mobility solutions.   What does the future hold for modes of transport in times of vehicle sharing and the need to improve urban mobility? estação de metrô – ainda são longas demais. Para estes trechos das viagens, chamados de last mile e first mile , há grande espaço para o crescimento de modais auxiliares de transporte. “No entanto, a mobilidade em grande escala das populações exige ainda mais investimentos nos modais de transporte público coletivo, tais como metrô e ônibus”, explica Néspoli. Do ponto de vista da matriz energética e das consequências ambientais, as soluções de mobi- lidade defendidas pelo superintendente da ANTP também devem começar pelos modais de trans- porte coletivo e não poluentes, “incluindo nesse receituário até mesmo as bicicletas”, acrescenta. Há, porém obstáculos importantes a serem su- perados na busca pela universalização do trans- porte. Os modais públicos estão enfrentando in- clusive dificuldades de viabilidade financeira para operarem sem prejuízos, principalmente em face da redução drástica no volume de passageiros ocorrida nos últimos 20 anos. O panorama é complexo, pede análise apro- fundada e pode contar com o setor de locação de veículos para a busca das melhores soluções para a mobilidade urbana.  Luiz Carlos Néspoli, Superintendente da Ass. Nacional de Transportes Públicos (ANTP) Head of the National Public Transport Association (ANTP). © Civulgação ANTP