Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2016

anuário brasileiro do setor de locação de veículos 2016 9 equilibrada e profissionalizada. Nosso “norte” frente a esse cenário passa pelo constante aperfeiçoamento da Governança Corporativa, visando ampliar a proximidade da ABLA com seu quadro associativo de altíssima qualidade. Estou certo de que, juntos, vamos sim superar o que vier pela frente, em busca de novos patamares de desenvolvimento para o setor, para os nossos parceiros e para o nosso País. Com isso, quero dizer que as dificuldades vividas em 2015 nos fortaleceram. Temos capacidade para crescer em todas as regiões, inclusive também a partir de uma série de novas e diferentes parcerias comerciais. Eu tenho certeza que nosso setor continuará avançando e ajudando a indústria automobilística e o segmento do turismo nacional Our sector, since the creation of Plano Real, has kept a historical average of anual growth above 10% for more than a decade. In the last two years, this expansion pace has also suffered the consequences of the troubled political and economical environment through which Brazil has been going through. However, at any moment did we lose sight of the motivation and the development potential our activity undeniably has. We have the challenge to keep ourselves consistently willing for productivity, which in this moment is essencial for us to keep doing our part in order to help the country leave this crisis. ABLA and FENALOC have been fighting, also, in the National Congress and even in the Supreme Federal Court, with the objective of defending the rights conquered by car rental companies operating in our country. Historically, our sector has always had as a characteristic to respond to the obstacles and barriers presented by “rolling up our sleeves” and working even more. In 2015, that already meant a total revenue of R$ 16,2 billions, 338 thousand vehicles purchased and more than R$ 5,3 billions in taxes paid to the municipal, state and federal spheres, according to the unprecedented series of numbers we are publishing in this new Brazilian Yearbook of Car Rental - 2016. We were responsible for buying not less than 13,66% of all cars and light utility vehicles licensed during last year. Before robust numbers as this one, I understand our responsibility grows a lot. The time has now come for the sector to double its efforts for the car renting activity to move forward and bravely face the momentary difficulties. One fights crisis with work To that purpose, we have on our side the fact that, as a general rule, nowadays the car rental companies are already enterprises with an administration which is increasingly more balanced and professionalized. Our “north” facing this scenario goes through the constant perfecting of corporate administration, with the aim of increasing the proximity of ABLA with its most high quality associative panel. I am certain that, together, we will surpass whatever comes ahead, in search of new standards of development to the sector, to our partners and to our country. What I mean by that is the difficulties lived in 2015 made us stronger. We have the capacity to grow in all regions, including also a series of new and different commercial partnerships. I am certain that our sector will keep going forward and helping the car industry and the national tourism segment to grow and be better as well. Let’s move on together on this path in 2016. One of two things: either we keep complaining, thinking “that’s life”, or we do something. Clearly our sector has already chosen the second alternative and, thus, we are on the right track towards the strengthening of rental companies and the keeping of adding value, consolidating and respect conquered by our segment throughout the years. We can never lose sight that the car rental sector is one of the most important links in the Brazilian automotive chain and the national economy. Therefore, let’s get to it: a better future awaits us. a crescerem e serem melhores também. Vamos seguir juntos nessa caminhada em 2016. Das duas uma: ou ficamos reclamando, pensando “a vida é assim mesmo”, ou fazemos alguma coisa. Claramente o nosso setor já optou pela segunda alternativa e, dessa forma, trilhamos o rumo certo para o fortalecimento das locadoras e para a manutenção da valorização, da consolidação e do respeito conquistados pelo nosso segmento ao longo dos anos. Não podemos jamais perder de vista que o setor de locação de veículos é um dos mais importantes elos da cadeia automobilística brasileira e da economia nacional. Portanto, mãos à obra: um futuro melhor nos espera.