Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2016

anuário brasileiro do setor de locação de veículos 2016 63 mudou a vida das pessoas neste período: em 1957 empregava 9,8 mil funcionários e gerava 140 mil empregos diretos e indiretos, fabricava 30,5 mil veículos, comercializava quase 31 mil e não exportava nenhum deles. Atualmente, são mais de 130 mil colaboradores diretos e 1,5 milhão de empregos na cadeia produtiva. Em anos de volumes recordes, já foram produzidas mais de 3,73 milhões de unidades e 3,80 milhões já foram vendidas. As exportações também já chegaram a um patamar surpreendente, com quase 900 mil unidades negociadas. O setor investiu em engenharia e pesquisa e foi responsável por diversas inovações, entre elas, o carro movido a Etanol, em 1975, com o Programa Nacional do Álcool. A experiência possibilitou a criação, em 2003, da tecnologia Flex, que se transformou na mais It all started timidly, with the first imported vehicles, noisy, thrilling, used by just a couple pioneers. Today, when we recollect the history of Brazilian Automotive Industry, the importance of the sector is remarkable for the economy and the national development itself. And this year of 2016 is a milestone in this ongoing story, for ANFAVEA completes 60 years of activities in the country. In the beginning of the 20th century, some companies started to assemble the first vehicles in deposits and sheds in the city of São Paulo/ SP. Sporadic display of new models would produce an effect of market growth. In 1919 already, Henry Ford himself authorized the construction of his factory in Brazil. In 1925, GM would do the same. These companies started as importers and, if they managed to be successful, they became factories. That was a business model which facilitated the great market development. But the Second World War made the process impracticable, hindering even the importing of parts. Like that, from necessity, the first car parts factories appeared, still small, to provide for the existing fleet. Such fact made it easier for then president Getúlio Vargas, in 1952, during the post-war period, to create the Industrial Development Commission and to install the Sub commission of Jeeps, Tractors, Trucks and Automobiles. The next year, Vargas prohibited the importing of complete and assembled vehicles. That year, the construction of Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz factories started, in São Bernardo do Campo/SP. In 1956, president Juscelino Kubitscheck created the Executive Group of Automotive Industry (from Portuguese, GEIA), to stimulate in less than 5 years the local production of vehicles, with a high rate of nationalization. A month before, in May 1956, ANFAVEA (from Portuguese, National Association of Automakers), with 12 associates who gathered in an office in São Paulo neighborhood of Ipiranga. The Brazilian Automotive Industry was already a symbol of progress, Adding Value for the Client social and economical representation. The new organization came up to represent the manufacturers before public bodies and the society. When the JK administration ended, in 1961, Brazil was no longer just a feedstock and agricultural products supplier to become an industrialized country, with the car sector being a strong catalyst in the process. Today, the sector is present in all Brazilian regions, with 64 industrial units, responsible for great income and job generation. The industry changed people’s lives during this period: in 1957 it employed 9,8 thousand workers and created 140 thousand direct and indirect jobs, it produced 30,5 thousand vehicles, sold almost 31 thousand and did not export any one of them. Today, there are more than 130 thousand direct workers and 1,5 million jobs in the productive chain. During record volume years, more than 3,73 million units were produced and 3,8 millions were sold. Exports have also reached a surprising level already, with almost 900 thousand units sold. The sector invested on engineering and research and was responsible for several innovations, among them the ethanol fueled car, in 1975, with the National Ethanol Program. The experience allowed the creation, in 2003, of the Flex technology, which became the most successful solution for renewable fuel in the world. The 31 companies associated to ANFAVEA are responsible, worldwide, for more than 80% of the vehicle production. Many of them have established here complete research and engineering centers. That was done to present constant evolution, which reduces pollutant emissions, besides safety equipment and user connectivity with the vehicle and the road. When JK took part in the first engine block foundry in Brazil, many stated it would be impossible to perform such operation in a tropical country, for the block would crack. However, we have reached the high level we are in and, certainly, during the next 60 years, Brazil will be a great worldwide player of the automotive sector. bem sucedida solução de uso de combustível renovável no mundo. As 31 empresas associadas à ANFAVEA são responsáveis, no mundo, por mais de 80% da produção de autoveículos. Muitas delas estabeleceram aqui centros completos de pesquisa e engenharia. Isso para apresentar evolução constante, que reduz emissões de poluentes, além de equipamentos de segurança e conectividade entre usuários, veículo e rodovia. Quando JK participou da fundição do primeiro bloco de motor no Brasil, muitos alegaram que seria impossível realizar tal operação em um País tropical, pois o bloco trincaria. Contudo, chegamos ao patamar avançado em que estamos e, certamente, nos próximos 60 anos, o Brasil será um grande protagonista mundial do setor automotivo.