Anuario ABLA - 2015

11 assim como a realização do II Fórum Jurídico e do XII Fórum Nacional da ABLA, este último somente com palestras voltadas aos interesses diretos das associadas. O Conselho Gestor também seguirá trabalhando junto ao BNDES, além das instituições financeiras públicas e privadas, para gerar novas linhas de crédito para as locadoras e, em paralelo, já aproximou a ABLA do Sest/Senat para oferecer mais cursos de capacitação. Para complementar, ainda buscará viabilizar uma nova pesquisa setorial junto a institutos de renome, que já estão sendo selecionados para essa tarefa. Em Brasília, por meio da assessoria parlamentar, a ABLA permanecerá acompanhando de perto todos os projetos de lei ligados ao nosso setor e prestará todo o apoio possível para o crescimento da Fenaloc (Federação Nacional das Locadoras), que atuará mais fortemente para dar ainda mais peso à defesa dos direitos das locadoras. Por tudo isso, tanto a atual como as bem-sucedidas administrações anteriores fizeram valer a máxima de que um setor forte só é feito a partir de uma associação também cada vez mais forte. 2014 was undoubtedly one of the most productive, effective and efficient years in ABLA’s history, continuing on the great work by previous administrations. Under the leadership of President Paulo Nemer, the Management Board renewed much of the Regional Board of Directors and with them held the VIII National ABLA Convention, at which members expressed their needs and suggested solutions to the main challenges they face. From the extensive material collected and recorded, the 12 Management Board members moved on to draw up the Strategic Action Plan for the coming years: internal communications, external communications, review of the articles of association, enhancement of business partnerships, expansion of training courses, new product development, support for regional boards and young leaders, improving member events and improving internal processes. In 2014, the Management Board also renewed its bimonthly publication distributed free of charge to the entire membership, with themes more geared to providing services to rental and leasing agencies. And in the midst all this the president, Paulo Nemer, made a special effort to bring about the National Vehicle Rental and Leasing Industry Show (ABLA Show), which in 2014 was held in partnership with the International Motor Show. Juan Pablo de Vera, president of Reed Exhibitions, the company responsible for this great event, opened the show, recognizing the importance of the presence of ABLA and its members, who are the biggest customers of the automakers who launch their products there. The ABLA Show thus saved physical and financial resources for the association and, at the same time, secured a unprecedented visibility for the sector. At the same time, ABLA also held 12 training course steps for businesspeople and rental / lease professionals in several cities in Brazil. More than 150 people took part and the research done after each stage showed that more than 90% rate them “excellent” and “good.” Also in 2014, ABLA held the First Car Rental and Leasing Industry Legal Form for lawyers, legal counsel, the representative associations and rental and leasing companies, in Brasilia. And another important innovation was the creation of ABLA Youth, which brings together the future generations of the association and rental / leasing companies, aged from 18 to 35. It is important to say the directors of ABLA also made some small adjustments to the association’s bylaws, to improve management. The association hired a Commercial Director to work more intensely with automakers, banks and other business partners of the rental / leasing companies to bring in solutions that benefit members. In 2015 ABLA will reap even more from what it planted in 2014. While establishing the calendar of work for ABLA Youth, the members of the Management Board will work more on the efforts covered in the Strategic Plan and, through President Paulo Nemer, ABLA will work closely with Reed Exhibitions to ensure the sector is represented at the 2016 Motor Show. Also planned are 20 stages of ABLA training throughout Brazil, as well as the II Legal Forum and the XII National ABLA Forum, the latter comprising talks for members only. The Management Board will continue working with Brazil’s development bank, BNDES, and public and private financial institutions to generate new lines of credit for rental and leasing companies, and ABLA has already approached SEST / SENAT to offer more training courses. In addition, it will also seek to carry out a survey of the sector with renowned institutes, which are now being selected for this purpose. In Brasilia, through a lobbyist, ABLA is keeping a close watch on all the draft bills related to our industry and will provide all the support possible for the growth of the National Federation of Rental and leasing Companies (FENALOC), which will work harder in the defense of the rights of rental and leasing companies. The past and current administrations have, then, applied the maxim that a strong sector is only possible with a strong association. A strong association Carlos Cesar Rigolino Junior Vice-Presidente do Conselho Nacional da ABLA. Vice-President of ABLA’s National Board.