73 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 The Four P’s inmanaging your business Naturally, people who open their own business are drivenbya very strongdesire tomake it happen. Peoplewant to get involved from the get-go, but in the rush to see their company up and running they overlook organization. Intuition alone is followed, and the business is not studied thoroughly before making decisions. This adds to the risk, which can compromise the investment. A good starting point to get a company on track is to consider the principle of the 4 Ps: purpose, process, people, and partnerships. When we think of purpose, we have to answer the question: what is my business going to offer - what is its essence. We have to consider the target audience and the profit that canbemade. It iswhenwedirect thebusinessand clearly determinewhat lies ahead. Process is about how to do it. It is defined as how to make the product or provide the service, how to sell it, and how tomanage the company. People are the business owner and employees. This involves the relationshipbetweenboth,whichneeds to involve complicity and to be constructive. The team should be well chosen, basedon technical criteriaand interpersonal skills. Finally, the fourth P refers to partnerships. This group consists of everyone who has contact with the company and who can facilitate management. Partners can be, for example, suppliers. A good relationship with them helps to reduce costs. And as unusual as it may seem, competitors arealsopartners. This applieswhen youget together to form anassociationand to seekbetter conditions for the sector, to reduce costs on logistics, and so on. There another P, which stands for pleasure. After all, no one can stand doing something they don’t enjoy for long and at the first sign of trouble, theywill abandon ship. The principle of the Four Ps must be applied constantly, and not only at the outset. It can be used to resize the company, make themost of seasonality, promote innovation, or to target new niches. Each P sounds simple, but they involve many details that, if analyzed carefully, give a more complete view of thebusiness and contribute to success. Sebrae-SP has an agenda of efforts designed to empower entrepreneurs, increase the chances of success with your business and keep you updated on themost varied of subjects, such as technology, growth opportunities and what ishappeningon themarket. Therearecourses, booklets, workshops, talks, projects, programsand individual andgroup consultations. We have a specialized team that provides the advice you need tomake your businesswork.Whatever your line of business, our consultants are ready to help you. If youhaveanyquestionsabouthow tomanagefinances, promote your product or service, hire employees, calculate prices, plan or any other issue about the management of a company, Sebrae-SP can help you. Call 0800 570 0800 or go towww.sebraesp.com.br BrunoCaetano Diretor superintendente do Sebrae-SP Managing director of Sebrae-SP