11 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 2013wasnot easy forBrazil’sproductionsectors, havinga direct impact on the vehicle rental and leasing sector,which is today an important economic bellwether. Brazil’s GDP growth of 2.3%was underwhelming, albeit 0.9%upon2012, butwell below the5%averageof other emerging countries in2013. Our sector had to redouble its efforts, dedication and stubbornness to achieve growth of 4.73%, which is indeed significant, but alsobelowour historical double-digit average. The demand for fleet outsourcing, for example, was not immune to the recession.Vehicle rental and leasingcompanies had to face up to a loss of competitiveness and reduced willingnessof potential customers tomakenew investments. In the daily rental market for private individuals, the fall in demand as household debt increased became clear. In addition, inflationary pressure in 2013 and the devaluation of the real in the secondhalf of there year against theUDdollar alsomade the yearmore difficult. Our answer in tis scenario was improvement of our corporate governance model. At the same time, training has allowedmembers inever state to reinvent themselves, seeking toovercome theeconomicdifficulties specific toeach region. In January 2014 a new cycle began. I became the president of the National Council at ABLA, which was founded in 1977 andwhich now hasmembers in every state in Brazil. I took it on highly aware of what has been done so far, but also with the commitment to develop partnerships with all the representative associations to further enhance the sturdy representation of the sector at the government in its various instances. At the same time, we are working to improve relationships between ABLA and its members. I am sure that together we will overcome the challenges ahead, in the pursuit of new developments for ABLA, the sector, our partners and our country. The difficulties experienced in 2013 have strengthened us to start 2014 steadily and aware of the situation.We have eyes on the national and international scenarios, without losing sight of the potential for expansion in our industry, in addition to investment opportunities. In practice, as a member of the National Transport Confederation (CNT), through Fenaloc and ABLA, the vehicle rental and leasing sector is a link in the dynamic Brazilian automobile industry chain - the fourth largest in the world. Accounting for anaverageof close to10%of vehicle sales in the last five years, vehicle leasing and rental companies are powerful allies inBrazil’s production chain. For all these reasons, now as President of the National Council, my focus is on the development of the Brazilian vehicle leasing and rental industry. It is a pulsating industry. We can grow in every region, working even better through a number of new and different partnershipswith suppliers and alsowith themajor players in theproductionchain innational tourism.Wemove forward - thank you for having confidence in the sector. A year full of challenges