Anuario ABLA - 2013

64 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2013 Mercado Market O tradicional carro popular, com motor 1.0, ainda é o mais vendido no mercado de usados, porém, ele já não pode ser tão básico quanto era na época em que foi criado, nos anos 1990. O consumidor brasileiro tem se tornado mais exigente quanto aos itens de conforto e segurança. Rissao Shimada destaca o ar condicionado como componente principal, mas percebe o aumento de interesse em outros equipamentos, como airbag e ABS. Com relação aos modelos mais comercializados em Mato Grosso a maior demanda é por veículos hatch 1.0, com 2 ou 4 portas que “representam, em nossa frota, 65%, ficando os sedans e executivos em 15% e utilitários 20%”, diz o empresário. Em São Paulo os sedans lideram as vendas. A realização de negócios mostra ainda que está acontecendo uma renovação da frota no País. Uma prova é que 40% dos compradores de usados em São Paulo, e 50% no Estado de Mato Grosso, utilizaram um carro mais velho como entrada. to 2% and was going to return to 7% as of June, but in early April the government froze it until the end of 2013. The rental sector is not against tax cuts, but against a lack of certainty in the rules of the game which risks companies’ strategies to maintain a balance. As long as the government does not come up with any more extraordinary benefits, the used car market might recover by about 10% in 2013.As for price levels, recovery will be only partial.”We will never reach the levels seen before the government’s interference,” says Shimada. This is good news, considering the successive slides in recent years. In this scenario, the price difference between used cars and new cars will increase in the coming months, creating advantages for used car buyers. Dealers will in general benefit only if they increase scale. The São Paulo market is expected to shadow the estimate for the state of Mato Grosso. According to George Chahade, prices will stabilize and sales are expected to grow by 8% this year. The traditional compact car, with a 1.0 liter engine, is still the biggest seller on the used market, but it can no longer be as basic as it was back in the 1990s. Brazilian consumers have become more demanding about comfort and safety. Rissao Shimada says air conditioning is the main requirement, but there has been increased interest in other equipment, such as airbags and ABS. As for the biggest sellers in Mato Grosso, the strongest demand is for 1.0 liter hatchbacks, with 2 or 4 doors, which represent 65% of the fleet, with sedans and executive cars accounting for 15%, and utility vehicles, 20%, says Shimada. In São Paulo, sedans top the sales ranking. The fleet is being renewed in Brazil. Proof is that 40% of used car buyers in São Paulo, and 50% in Mato Grosso, used an older car as a down-payment. Novas exigências do consumidor New consumer demands