63 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2013 Mercado Market de carros 0 km é um retrato dessa realidade. Essa medida prejudicou “as vendas de seminovos, acarretando perda significativa no volume de negócios e no valor apurado da venda”, confirma Rissao Shimada, diretor regional da Abla em Mato Grosso. Mas, em 2013 o IPI voltaria gradativamente aos seus patamares históricos. Em janeiro a alíquota do IPI para veículos populares subiu para 2% e iria voltar a 7% a partir de junho,porém, no início de abril o governo congelou o IPI que ficará mantido até o fim de 2013. O setor de locação não é contra a redução de impostos, apenas contra a falta de definição das regras do jogo, que sempre colocam em risco as estratégias das empresas para manter o ponto de equilíbrio. Desde que o governo não invente outros benefícios extraordinários, a recuperação do mercado de usados poderá atingir a casa dos 10% em 2013. Quanto aos níveis de preços a recuperação será apenas parcial. “Jamais atingiremos os patamares observados antes da interferência governamental”, enfatiza Rissao Shimada. Trata-se de uma boa notícia, levando em conta as quedas sucessivas nos últimos anos. Sob esse cenário a diferença de preço entre carros usados e 0 km, aumentará nos próximos meses, resultando em vantagens para o comprador do usado. Os revendedores em geral somente serão beneficiados se aumentarem a escala. As expectativas para o mercado paulista se aproximam do estimado para o Estado de Mato Grosso. Segundo George Chahade, os preços estarão estabilizados e as vendas deverão crescer 8% este ano. The used car market has produced some stunning figures. The member companies of the Association of Automobile Dealers in the State of São Paulo (ASSOVESP) alone sold 1.7 million units in 2012. However, this high volume of sales does not mean that selling used cars is big business. This contradiction between strong performance and unsatisfactory results can be partly explained by the dependence of the used car market on new car sales. So, tax cuts, easier finance, lower interest rates, and other benefits for new cars have created an imbalance to the detriment of used cars. The down payments and difficult access to credit are further barriers identified by George Chahade, the president of ASSOVESP.”While new cars can be fully financed, used car buyers have to make a down-payment ranging from 25% to 35% of the value of the car,” he says. He also complains about restrictions imposed by finance companies on credit and their charging of interest rates ‘above what is tolerable.’ Another business risk takes the form of the successive devaluations of the cars, which requires that stock be turned over quickly. A survey by the AutoInforme / Molicar shows that over the past five years the prices of used cars have fallen by an average of 41.3%.In 2012 alone the sector suffered the largest price fall ever in one year: 10.7%. For all of these reasons, nowadays a good deal in this sector depends not only on the sale, but the correct purchase. Otherwise, vehicles remain unsold until they are sold at a loss. As they cannot use these strategies, rental and leasing companies dilute the devaluation of their assets in operating costs. However, when the rules are changed to benefit only one party, of course the other one loses. The reduction of excise tax (IPI) to encourage the sale of new cars illustrates this situation. This measure has damaged the sales of used cars, “causing a significant loss in turnover and sales values,” says Rissao Shimada, a regional director of ABLA in Mato Grosso state. However, in 2013 excise tax will gradually return to its normal level. In January excise tax on compact vehicles rose Used cars: sales up, prices stable