22 CESVI 2011 ABLA YEARBOOK • Group 0: for children up to 10 kg, approximate height 0.72 m, up to 9 months old. • Group 0+: for children up to 13 kg, approximate height 0.80 m, up to 12 months old. • Group I: for children from 9 kg to 18 kg, approximate height 1.00 m, up to 32 months old. • Group II: for children from 15 kg to 25 kg, approximate height 1.15 m, up to 60 months old. • Group III: for children from 22 kg to 36 kg, approximate height 1.30 m, up to 90 months old. Inmetro divides child seats into groups, according to age, weight and height. The Center for Road Safety and Testing (CESVI Brasil) recommends the use of child safety car seats that carry the mandatory certification seal issued by the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO). It is also recommends that attention be paid to the correct installation procedure for the device, in accordance with the guidelines indicated in the product’s user manual. Security ideal for your child Infant car seat Child seat Rear-facing, with the baby facing the rear window. Must be at 45º (shell shaped). Seatbelts must be used, and the straps must be no more than a fingerwidth loose. Forward-facing, and not inclined. The seatbelt must go over the child’s shoulder and child’s neck must not be out of the chair. The child seat straps must not be more than a finger-width loose. 43.0 cm 49.0 cm From newborn to 9 or 13 kg, depending on the manufacturer’s specification, or one year old. From 9 to 18 kg; approximate age: 1 to 4 years old. Three-point seatbelt This seatbelt type is more resistant, secure and comfortable. NOTE: Do not twist the straps. 62.5 cm 55.0 cm Weight: 2.17 kg Weight: 6.61 kg 53.5 cm 65.0 cm