20 CESVI 2011 ABLA YEARBOOK Many parents are not aware of the risks children face on even a short drive. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, six children a day under the age of fourteen die in traffic accidents in Brazil. So adults must chose child safety seats that are appropriate to the children’s age, weight and height. In 2008, the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN) established the mandatory use of child safety seats for children up to seven and a half years old. Failure to comply with this law is a serious traffic offence. Enforcement of this law, which had been set for June 2010, was postponed by the National Traffic Department (DENATRAN) for September 1, 2010, because there were not enough child safety seats in stores to meet demand. So children aged up to ten years old in cars must be in the back seat, and those under seven and a half years old (or under 1 meter 45 cm in height) must be in an adequate device that guarantees their protection in the event of an accident. In vehicles with only front seats, such as pickups, children up to ten years old may travel, wearing a seatbelt (if they are over 1 meter 45 cm tall) or sitting in an appropriate device. However, if such vehicles have airbags, the child safety seat must be installed in line with the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, bearing in mind that the device must not have a tray or similar accessory, and it must not be a model that has to be mounted facing backwards (such an infant’s car seat). The seat must be pushed rights back, unless recommended differently by the manufacturer. Parents should take extra care with children in vehicles. Cesvi offers tips on the use of child safety seats Taking care of the kids