2022 Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 34 The last two years have been challenging for different sectors, from healthcare to the economy, and the consequences will last a long time. In 2020, the crisis caused by the pandemic led to the deterioration of some economic conditions that had been slowly improving. Fortunately, as a result of the quick rollout of vaccination in Brazil and, consequently, the reduction in the number of cases and deaths, industry, trade, and services are returning to normal. Sindicel, in its duty to assist in the upturn of the electric wires and cables industry, has helped to create measures, and interact with the Government - for example, reducing the ICMS rate from 18% to 12% by 2024, for outputs for copper goods - among other actions taken. Despite economic problems, Sindicel has noted an increase in the production and sale of non-documented wires and cables. This, in addition to causing unfair competition in the sector, is harmful to Brazilian consumers. Some of the main consequences of this trade in non-compliant electrical wires and cables are the risk of fire, energy waste, and the misappropriation of public resources. Considering this, Sindicel created the National Plan to Fight the Illegal Market in Electric Wires and Cables (PNCMI), partnering with technical and consumer protection agencies across the country to train people and donate equipment to help curb illegal manufacturing and trade in electrical wires and cables. Together with thew Institute of Weights and Measures (IPEM), the police, Procon, INMETRO, and local bodies in 26 Brazilian States, Sindicel accomplished 240 operations and identified more than 135,000 reels and coils of non-compliant wires and cables from 78 different brands. Sindicel will continue its efforts to fight the illegal electrical wires and cables market and protect Brazilian consumers. SINDICEL By Carlos Alberto Cordeiro, President of the Union of Electrical Wire, Extrusion, and Rolling of Non-Ferrous Metals Companies in São Paulo State - SINDICEL Electrical wire and cable industry