Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020

Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020 45 A new way to certificate the responsibility of the copper sector Copper Mark™ is a program of the International Copper Association - ICA that informs the consumers and investors about responsible copper production. I t was inspired by the UN sustainable development goals and it’s not based on a standard audit, but based on the objective of facilitating the information flow and the release of public reports on local positive impact. This new ICA program evaluates the reliability and practices of local production and the performance in all production chain, from mines to refineries and smelters. Therefore, the copper from program suppliers is certified as a product from a sustainable and responsible industry. Besides the voluntary accession, which the industry members may or may not take part, the Copper Mark™ can be applied in several areas, ranging from corporate literature, invoices, contracts and copper products, in order to demonstrate the product’s commitment to sustainability and responsibility in the industry. Although the program is controlled, funded and managed by ICA, the supervision is done by an independent entity. This way, investors and consumers can decide about their actions according to the level of responsibility in the copper supply chains, and also support the suppliers that committed themselves to the sustainable development.