Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2017
Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2017 19 essential to obtain the ISO 50001 certification. Participants companies are: Baxter, Bemis, L ‘Oréal, Thyssenkrupp, Coca-Cola, Ficosa do Brasil, Plastifluor, Cecil and Termomecanica. By the end of the program, everyone will be able to get certification. Energy Efficiency – As in many sectors of the economy, in the year 2016 we had the industrial sector crisis that contributed to the slowdown and retraction of the electrical motors market. Unfortunately, although we have large manufacturers, demand is not working as planned affecting the renovation of the current electrical park that remains very technologically outdated. Always working in the defense of copper use in energy efficiency, ICA/Procobre participates in compulsory labeling processes, groups of standards and helping in the development of projects such as Aneel’s Priority Project.This project aims to encourage the replacement of electric motors in operation with low efficiency by modern and more economical motors that comply with the regulations. Otherwise, participants earn bonus in cash for the replacement. In the case of transformers, we also participate in actions and discussions with government agencies and industry associations that promote the improvement of efficiency levels. In addition, we lead and give support for the 55000 Asset Management standard for power utilities, where copper use is in the substitution of electro-intensive assets. For example, the standard helps in assessing the best time to replace an asset before the end of life, which encourages the acquisition of more efficient assets. Copper industry participation – Copper offers many advantages over substitute materials because it has high conductivity, corrosion resistance, greater flexibility and reliability in the connections as well as bringing sustainable benefits that contribute to reduce CO 2 emissions in the atmosphere. It is fully aligned with the current scenario of renewable energy generation such as photovoltaic and wind power. ICA/Procobre participates in the committees that are preparing technical standards for these new technologies, and works in the education and training professionals of the sector. Recently, we have launched, in partnership with Senai Pirituba - a reference technical school in energy efficiency and distributed generation – The “Solar Photovoltaic Microenergy System Installation Book”, which is being used in all technical schools of Senai in Brazil that have this course. This opportunity ensures that standards are being accomplished and copper is the material choice. Otherwise, we have worked in partnership with IEI - International Energy Initiative and Unicamp University, to prepare studies and recommendations for photovoltaic energy sector, in order to support the development of policies by the government and regulatory agency. Actions and Investments – We closely monitor the major trends in national and international market through information exchange with other ICA offices and we count on the participation Electromobility was identified by ICA as one of the major trends to generate a huge market for copper in the near future. A strategic plan is underway considering new market studies and new technological developments. After launched antimicrobial copper market sponsored by ICA/Procobre, current the development of new actions is the in charge of of local manufacturers. We keep on working in the standardization of copper pipes, especially for gas installations, demonstrating the technical superiority of copper to ensure safety installations. In 2017, the budget of ICA members for actions and projects to promote and defend copper in the world was US$ 46 million. Initiatives of copper sector – Main objective is to promote the use of copper continuously. Through the human resources, technical and financial resources provided by ICA and local partners, we promote copper benefits in all areas that can be influenced. Regulatory and standardization are our priorities action in long-term. In short and medium-term, we conduct market studies to obtain reliable data to support our programs and campaigns to disseminate ideas and good practices. I believe that main objectives of ABCOBRE and ICA/Procobre are very aligned to the expected results: to promote growth and defense the use of copper by the metal chain. Together, we advocate adequate and modern public policies. Strong regulatory work tackle irregularities, efficient communication of good practices and advantages of copper, and finally, institutions can add value through reliable market data.
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