BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM - solutions for sustainable living
BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING 23 THE NEW ABAL in regulatory, tax and sustainability issues, and market tracking to ensure that trade safeguarding measures are implemented. ABAL continues to refine its corporate governance, by coming up with some actions that include: New Bylaws for the entity approved in September 2015 Member’s Handbook The Ethics Committee and the Technical Committee for Legislative Tracking Focus on pre-competitive topics Learn more: ABAL’s Goals ABAL’s Code of Ethics and Bylaws A Handbook for Members 3.3. Management The entity operates under the lead of Technical and Marketing Committees to carry out activities and fulfill goals. To strengthen engagement and seek strategic alignment, top-level executive officers from the member companies have managed those Committees. A Committee of Coordinators has also been tasked, holding monthly meetings to ensure the team works in a dynamic and integrated manner to address all relevant matters in full adherence to ABAL’s goals. Another highlight is the initiative towards integrating Sustainability into the Association’s strategy. Collaboratively and through partnerships, ABAL has actively engaged in outstanding initiatives, such as: Member of the AluminiumAssociation Stewardship Initiative (ASI): in July 2016 ABAL joined ASI, a global non-profit organization that leads initiatives to settle standards for aluminum product certification. Carbon footprint certification of aluminum products: four member companies - CBA, General Cable, Latasa and Novelis Recycling – engaged in the pilot project of the Brazilian Association for Technical Standards (ABNT) for certifying the carbon footprint of Brazilian products. International principles for responsible bauxite mining , in association with the Australian Aluminium Council (AAC) and the International Aluminium Institute (IAI). (see box starting at page 25) Publication of the report Bauxite in Brazil - Responsible Mining and Competitiveness in April 2017.
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