BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM - solutions for sustainable living

BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING 22 THE NEW ABAL Corporate Governance Brazil has been through an unparalleled political crisis, with severe economic consequences. Companies praised and regarded as solid have found it hard towin bids, make investments and even fulfill their financial commitments. When looking at the brighter side of such scenario, we can expect that one of the achievements in the period will be inevitably better governance for both public and private institutions. In contrast to the “little Brazilian way” that is still part of our deep-rooted culture, it is plain that there is a need for laws, codes and practices that strengthen transparency, ethics and efficiency. On that end, corporate governance is the system through which companies and other organizations are managed, monitored and motivated, involving the relationship between owners, the Board of Directors, executive officers, ins- pection and control bodies and other stakeholders. Best Corporate Governance practices convert principles into objective recommendations, aligning interests focused on preserving and optimizing the organization’s long-term economic value, enabling access to capital and contribu- ting to the quality of the organization’s management, its longevity and common good. During the panels with experts, outlook visions for each arm in the chain were built, while their critical success factors were determined. One can predict that the actions proposed in the roadmap will comprise initiatives related to the following themes: Panels with Experts + Web consultancy 3.2. Governance Aiming to reflect the moves in the Brazilian market, by strengthening representation of the processing companies, ABAL has made outstanding alterations to its Bylaws, in addition to its existing Code of Ethics and Member’s Handbook, which address the Association’s goals, activities, and members’ rights and obligations. The Technical and the Marketing Committees jointly work in pre-competitive collaboration related topics that are common to Members but do not affect their conditions to compete in the market, such as monitoring and engagement Liaison with players Market expansion Infrastructure and Logistics Taxation and Formalization Quality, Certification and Standardization Energy Safety Human Resources Technology and Innovation Communication & Marketing Sustainability 224 proposed actions 60 consolidated actions