BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM - solutions for sustainable living

BRAZILIAN ALUMINUM SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING 53 THE INDUSTRY’S ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE 5.4.2 - Intensity of water use - m³/ ton of product Bauxite mining Alumina refining Primary aluminum production Aluminum secondary production Aluminum processing 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0 Source: The sector’s companies 5.4.3 - Reuse of water - % Bauxite mining Alumina refining Primary aluminum production Aluminum secondary production Aluminum processing 80% 60% 40% 20% 0 Source: The sector’s companies 5.4.4 - Notes and Comments  The water use total above includes collection of surface and underground water, water acquired from public suppliers and use of external effluents.  Mining and refining process phases account for respectively 61% and 33% of the total water used in the aluminum production chain.  Roughly 36% of the total water collected for use in Brazilian refineries comes from reusing wastewater and rainwater, thus reducing the demand for natural resources.